Our Story

Developing modern efficiencies for school business.

Our Story

Public schools are rapidly declining in funding. As a result, time and money are two major resources depleting annually. School employees are asked to do more than ever and with limited support. Without funding, time continues to be the most valuable resource. Next-Generation School Business will develop technology to maximize time in school business.

NGSB is a company that supports school business with next generation solutions. We increase national efficiency by being a single resource for the state, so that every district manages time and resources efficiently.

Our mission is to help districts do what they do best: serve their students.

We value trust, time, growth, simplicity, and people.

Here's how we live those values out in our day-to-day lives:

Trust. Our team members trust each other to make decisions and be accountable for them; they know that mistakes happen and that it's okay because we're all here together learning from one another.

Time. We're constantly looking for ways to save time—for you! Our annual financial reporting tool was created to save time and ensure compliance was achieved. We wanted to be a single resource for the state so that every district manages time and resources efficiently. NGSB continues to practice this philosophy on all existing tools and tools in development.

Growth. We believe in growing together as a community of learners who are always striving to learn more about ourselves and our work environment so that we can become better at serving students and districts all over the country.

Simplicity. Simplicity is in everything we do. There are always ways to improve complex processes to ensure they become intuitive for our team and our customers. Our products will always be intuitive for any level of user.

People. There are businesses and then there are companies. We believe that our people are what make our company and everyone is vital. Our customers are our partners and caring about both is what makes NGSB.

Our Team

Jeremy Calles

Jeremy Calles is a veteran, the President of NGSB, and a man with a passion for efficiency.

His background in the Army and his degree in Information Technology have made him uniquely qualified to solve problems that schools face today. He spent five years working as a budget manager at the Department of Education, and he has been serving school districts since 2010, first at Kyrene School District and then at Tolleson Union High School District since 2017.

Jeremy's affinity for numbers combined with his understanding of technology have led him to create Next-Gen School Business (NGSB).

Justin Rojas
Vice President

Justin Rojas, Vice President of Next-Gen School Business.

Justin Rojas has a Bachelor of Science and has been working with public schools for nearly 15 years. He is a customer-driven business leader with abilities and strengths that tie into all aspects of business. Justin has operated, acquired, and managed multiple businesses of scale across the nation simultaneously and is excited to focus on one single venture: NGSB.

Justin is an initiator who accelerates NGSB to service their customers beyond expectations. His analytic ability ensures he provides high efficiency tools with intuitive experiences.